Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cool & Funny Graphic Design t shirts for Men & Women in US, UK, Europe & India

     Vision: To be a daily pit stop for young people looking for t shirt designs that reflects their individuality and attitude. We envision to be a website that is seen more as a community then as a store, where t shirt enthusiasts and designers interact on an informal platform.
·     Positioning:
o   Captain KYSO's whole USP is to feature one unique, distinctive andcovetable t-shirt per day on its website every day. Add to this, the fact that the t shirt would be at a great low price for 24 hours and each t shirt is designed by an international artist or t shirt designer.
o   Along with getting to buy a great new t shirt every day for a fabulous low price, a member of the KYSO community can read a hilarious write up about the t shirt design, know more about the artist who created the design, interact with him or her and also with other members of the community and share views and experiences.
o   To make this entire website fun and interactive, we have incorporated a lot of Game Mechanics features such as badges and reward points for participating in community activities, up voting of comments, t shirt designing contests with great cash prizes and a chance to see your design getting printed and sold as a t shirt

·         How are we different from our peers:
o   In India, most e commerce websites focus on selling ratherthan community interaction. We at CaptainKYSO would like to provide the user with an experience on our site where he feels comfortable and trusts us as friends, has fun while shopping and gets to know a lot of new things about the item that he or she is buying. Our website, in spite of being an e commerce website, has a very friendly, informal “bloggish” feel to it not present in any other website.
o   Secondly, the whole concept of a “Daily deal for t shirts” is not common in India. For 24 hours people get to buy a new t shirt design every day for a great low price.
o   We are the only Indian company where every day’s design is by an international professional t shirt designer. We have licensed original and exclusive designs from designers from countries as diverse as US, UK, Spain, Germany, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Russia etc.
o   The website is very focussed on just the t shirt space as opposed to being a general website where you can buy different items. So if anyone is looking to buy unique t shirts, CaptainKYSO is the place to drop in.

·         We are competing with: International T shirt companies like Threadless, La Fraise and Camiseteriaand Design by Humans. In India, we have competition from companies like Inkfruit.

·         key messages which we have designed for the brand: Keep Your Shirt OnJ

To Buy our customised t shirts,branded t shirts for men visit us

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